The Holiday Point Association's mission is deeply rooted in a long history of commitment and passion. For decades, we have been devoted to creating a harmonious and vibrant community that thrives amidst the breathtaking natural beauty, tranquility, and recreational opportunities presented by Candlewood Lake. Our journey began in 1956, and throughout this time, our community members created a place where residents could not only appreciate the splendor of Candlewood Lake but also forge strong connections with one another. Over the years, their unwavering dedication laid the foundation for the Holiday Point Association that we know today.

Our community has thrived due to the dedication of its members. Across generations, families have instilled a deep pride in being part of this remarkable neighborhood. The ongoing backing and enthusiastic involvement of our residents have played a vital role in molding the essence of our association. From orchestrating enjoyable events that foster closer bonds among neighbors to laboring to keep our community beautiful and safe, our members consistently demonstrate their boundless passion.

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